About Us
Brief Introduction
We Maisan have specialized in Security systems and Networking IT infrastructure to commercial & residential buildings, Hotels and villas since 1999. And in villas we have our own strong footprint in Home automation and Smart home systems. Also we are specialized in Home Healthcare Services and medical coding with Clinical IT Support. Maisan is a diversified business and technology solutions company in GCC, CANADA & MALAYSIA, INDIA, also having varied interests in imparting efficient Infrastructure solutions. We Maisan has a Strong footprint in the wholesale and retail area of Electronics & IT Telecommunications with all parts of General Trading with IT products and security products export.
The company serves the Security & Networking solutions. We are providing different types of software & web solutions, with a great number of workforce spread across the Middle East & Canada and Malaysia, India. We maintain the highest standards of quality by implementing ethical practices and making optimum use of the latest tools and technologies to continually equip our customers with our experience and expertise in Designing, Developing, Implementing and supporting innovative business solutions along with wholesale & retail services. We enable companies to streamline business operations, enhance efficiency and to gain the competitive edge in a 24×7 e-business environment.
MD's Message
Would me like to give a formula for success. “It’s quite simple, Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out”. People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, Maisan has a strong footprint in Home Automation ,and Smart Home systems, Also Networking & Security systems along with IT infrastructure to commercial & residential buildings In special area of Hotels and Villas. We are specialized in Home Healthcare Services, Medical coding with Clinical IT Support. Also a part of General trading we do exporting IT accessories and security products. Maisan is a diversified business and technology solutions company in GCC, CANADA & MALAYSIA, INDIA. We put our success setup Name Maisan But Our Real Successes Name OUR VALUABLE CLIENT, We always part of our successes we always thanks for them, and I am taking this opportunity to say thanks for them.
Mr. Shari Ebrahim
Managing Director shariebrahim@maisanholdings.com